Ya'll may not be aware of this, but there's a budding outrage in many Muslim countries. Flags are burning, boycotts implemented, threats of terror being made.
Is it about the American forces in Iraq?
Is it about Israeli occupation of Palestine?
Is it about the people in "The Arab street" finally getting fed up with being oppressed by their own "leaders"?
The issue that is now threatening to set the Islamic world ablaze is this: A Danish daily called "Jyllandsposten", in September 2005 wrote about the sad fact that a Danish writer could not find any artists to draw a picture of Islam's main prohet, Muhammed. In most Sunni-Islamic circles, creating a physical image of the Prophet is considered the worst possible blasphemy, and no artist dared make an image, out of fear for what crazy Islamists might do. Jyllandsposten then had 12 cartoonists make caricatures of varying quality, and
printed the images in the paper.
And then... all hell broke loose.
So far, several Islamic countries have encouraged consumer boycotts and/or condemned Denmark, demanded apologies and that the newspaper be punished. In the Palestinian territories, they're burning Danish flags, and now also Norwegian flags, because a Christian Norwegian magazine printed the same pictures. There have been hundreds of death threats against the Danes, and quite a few at the Norwegians too. Local militants have warned Norwegian aid workers (these are the sad, misguided numbskulls who are actually trying to HELP the Palestinians, remember) to get the fuck out of Gaza within 48 hours - or else...
In addition to the Islamo-fascists, we also have the usual suspects: The terminally politically correct who act as the terrorists' useful idiots by demanding that we "respect Muslim sensibilitites". This from people who generally have no problem labeling everybody slightly to the right of Karl Marx as fascists, and who tend to show precious little respect for the sensibilities of their homegrown religious fanatics of the Christian variety. Not that they should, religion deserves no respect, what-so-fuckin-ever, I'm just pointing out the glaring hypocrisy involved.
Let me put this in no uncertain terms: If you belong to a school of thought that says it's a crime against God to portray his greatest prophet, you're pretty much fucked in the head to start with. If you then think it's a reasonable punishment to censor, threaten, or physically harm the ones doing the portraying, you're a dangerous, psychotic, neanderthal fascist. And if you're so blinded by your holier-than-thou political correctness that you can't see that these crazy fuckers are a mortal danger to western liberty, you're worthy of nothing but contempt.
So let me close this by stating my most sincere, heartfelt desire, phrased with all the sensibility I can muster towards "the great religion of Islam":
Fuck Muhammed.Fuck him up the ass with a very big stick.
And fuck his followers too.
And since I'm a great believer in equal opportunity: Fuck Jesus, fuck God, fuck Allah, fuck Jahve, fuck Buddha, fuck the umpteen retarded gods of Hinduism too, fuck everybody who wishes to limit other people's freedom to say and think and do what they want - fuck'em all with the biggest, bluntest stick you can lay your grubby little hands on. Because that's what religions and their believers have been doing to us humans, ever since the first caveman started to communicate with the weather, and bashed his neighbor's head in with a rock when he refused to listen. They've shafted us royally, time and again, raped our sense of rationality, common sense and liberty. Time to return the favor.