Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I'll get healthy or die trying

Met with the diabetes nurse at the local hospital last week. It turns out my cholesterol and triglyzerid levels, which were at "nuclear levels" before the summer were now within normal parameters, which came as a huge, but very nice surprise to yours truly. I thought I'd more or less slobbed the summer away, but I must have done something right after all.

Inspired by the good results I've decided to try and become a wee bit more healthy (I can already hear certain people howling with laughter). So I went for hourlong walks in the woods Friday and Monday and today I played floorball again for the first time in a couple of years. 90 minutes of that stuff is the best workout I can imagine, and it's fun too! I had a somewhat difficult start, as I threw myself on the floor (I can hear you laughing again!) to block the first shot that came my way and banged my head hard against the wall. Five minutes on the sidelines with a bag of ice pressed against my empty skull... but after that I was a virtual wall.

I'll keep ya'll updated on my progress... or regress... knowing myself it's a 50-50 at best whether I actually succeed in this (you can stop laughing now, you bastards).


Anonymous said...

> as I threw myself on the floor

did you miss ? (ref. "how-to-fly")

> but after that I was a virtual wall.

that we can believe...

VamPus said...


Oh, well...