Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First numbers

Sunday I started the day at 122.3 kg. I took two turns on the bike, at slightly over 35 mins in all. Monday morning: 121.8 kg.

I forgot to check this morning and I didn't exercise yesterday, so I need to do double dosage again today. Wednesday will be interesting.


ak said...

That´s very good, but don´t focus too much on weight. I would rather weigh myself once a week. Your focus should be on "40 minutes" and "EVERY day". Let it become a part of the daily routine. Decide a day ahead WHEN to do the workout the next day (did that make sense or is my English not too good?). Just never skip a session on the bike. When you start running you will need a day for rest every now and then, but not now. I´m not sure about the double dosage, it´s sounds like punishment for being lazy. Don´t couple punishment with exercising. When you´re away from your bike go for a 20 minutes walk instead. But as I said earlier; avoid shin splints!! Monitor your legs at all times, especially when walking!

Anonymous said...

Wow - thats great! What a great idea to share this project with the community :)

Looking forward to tracking your progress.

Lovely blog by the way - this is my first visit! And what a great name - we should never forget what great person Goldwater was!

Anonymous said...

Just sayin', diet is at least as important as exercise. It's all about calories in and calories out. It's much easier to NOT eat 500 extra calories than to burn them off.

There are websites that can help you figure out how many calories you need in a day to maintain your weight or to lose weight. And you can calculate how many calories you burn during different forms of exercise.

Good luck!

Puselur- who actually likes dieting but shouldn't lose more weight so is delighted to help :D

Anonymous said...

Hey, congrats on your "Adonis at 40"? project. Are you aware to what degree people love giving advice on exercise and eating? Probably not, but you will be :-) Yor asked for it:

If you are serious about your new project and want support, giving a progress report to your readers might give you important motivational feedback(and some sensible advice). And might help you to think rationally about exercise (that field is filled with a lot of pseudo-science, as surely a reasonable guy like you will discover).

One thing though, that I think is important before beginning a new life with exercise, is to first get checked out by your doctor. What exactly are your health problems? You need to know them before giving your body what will amount to a huge chock by starting suddenly with exercise after basically a lifetime of inactivity. Is your earlier inactivity perhaps due to a beginning diabetes? Is your heart OK. Blood pressure? Any obvious problems discovered by blood tests? A sudden regimen of hard exercise could kill you or stress your body to fatigue if you have a medical condition, and that would sort of defeat the purpose. Have you ever been downtown Oslo on the "Grete Waitz day"? Or watched the marathon runners try to kill themselves? That is not heathy exercise.

Newer mind your weight in absolute numbers, that number tells you and your readers absolutely nothing. For instance, I'm 189 cm tall and weigh 96 kgs, and I need to gain muscle and loose fat. So gaining 10+ kg of muscle mass and loosing 10kgs of fat would not mean "no progress same weight, but a fantastic progress and same weight", in my case.

And forget exercise as a primary. It is of course necessary, but it is not sufficient to good health. You must look at your eating habits (keep a diary to monitor what kind of food, at what times, you are eating). Do you get your omega 3,6 and 9 fats? and Vitamins, they are all important to improving your health and getting you into shape.

As to exercise. What's the point if it doesn't bring you measurable success? in the most effective way? Sitting on your bike for hours in and out might not be as smart as it seems (you might gain aerob improvement but loose anerob, and even loose muscle mass). Tabatha kardio is a high intensity training protocoll of 20 secs give it all and 10 secs pause (which an untrained person cannot do; you have to start out with a lower intensity first) done for 4 mins 3 times a week will give much better results than hours and hours and hours of walking. If you combine this high intensity intervall cardio training with some weight training (only using a few core exercises aimed at your big muscle groups, i.e. knebøy etc.) two times (only 30 mins each time) a week you will not believe the results you will get. [That is, if you also watch yout what you are eating.]