Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Badger in the garden

Apparently, there have been a couple of young badgers walking around in the garden of a night, so yesterday I decided to take a pic of 'em. I was going to sit up laaate anyway, following the Senate race in Massachusetts (yes, I need help), so I got out my camera and prepared the flash.

A little over 1AM I stepped out, not knowing if anything was outside. Before I could get my camera up, a furry, chubby little thing scampered away into the undergrowth. Badger!

A few hours later I decided on another strategy. Looking out my 2nd floor window I saw a figure snuffling around below the tree were my parents keep several birdfeeders. The ground is always covered in birdseeds and it was these the badger was now stuffing his little snout with.

Quietly I eased the window open and got my camera into position and fired off two pictures with my flash on. The badger just sat blinking and confused, wondering what the fuck had just happened. It was only when I closed the window again that he turned around and ran.

Stuffing face without a care in the world...


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