Monday, June 9, 2014

My surroundings

Having finally squeezed out of the Internet all the entertainment I could stand, I decided to spend yesterday driving a bit around, just taking in the local sights. Prior to getting a teaching job up here at Dokka, I hadn't really been to the area in around 30+ years. I have some vague memories of a childhood car trip with the parental units, but that's all.

So I first set out for the field of rock carvings some locals had told me about which were just west of town (I use the term town liberally). I never got to see the carvings because the area leading to them was flooded, but I got some purdy photos of the waterfall immediately to the south of them, called Møllerstufossen (Miller's cabin falls).

I'll make a second attempt when things have dried up in July, I pwomise.
You can view all the pics here.

There are some tables and the area looks perfect for a picnic. Iffin you have someone to go there with. *wipes away a silent tear*

Purdy flowers. I believe the blue ones are known as Common Hepatica or pennyworth in English, while the yellow ones are a type of buttercups. Really, my knowledge of flora and fauna is atrocious.

Dramatic crashing of water against a rock.

View downstream. The river, called Etna, is really a very handsome body of water.

View upstream.

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