Today, I started out towards Glen Affric. I'd never been there before, but it was supposed to be lovely. After a few minutes I reached the small church of St Ninian's, by Loch Meiklie. The waters of the loch were so tranquil and there was mist all around. Take a look for yerselves:
A small platform down by the water, perfect for a BBQ in the summer if you ask me...
A panorama pic of the loch, my first! (Ok, you gotta click on it...)
A solitary sheep in the field next to the churchyard.
The mists of Avalon...
The other end of the lake.
What a place...
I then drove on to the cozy little village of Cannich. Just before the village, there's a field where the mists were very photogenic...
Finally, I drove up to Glen Affric. These pics are from near Dog Falls. In a stoopid attempt to get some much needed exercise, I parked the car, paid 2 pounds, walked across the bridge and started climbing a long, steep, winding slope. Half way up, I admitted defeat and trudged down again. At the parking lot, I looked at the signs and discovered that I had taken the wrong path and had been walking up towards a viewpoint. Wail, wail. I drove on along River Affric and the views very mostly very nice. However, you never even reach Loch Affric, because the road is closed to "unauthorized vehicles" at that point. Le sigh.
River Affric. I walked up to the left of this picture and had traversed most of the hillside before giving up.
Downstream. This was where I should have walked. I'm an eejit.
I did manage to get a pic of this lovely pine.
Farther up there road, there were several little views like this and the sun was often out.
Loch Beinn a' Mheadhoin is used for hydroelectricity, so the water levels vary.
Some cunts (I bet they're German) had built a "peace tower" on one of the beaches.
I promptly tore it down. These towers are a blight on the landscape and the ideology behind them is leftist mumbo-jumbo.
The only glimpse of the Loch Affric area that mere commoners such as myself is allowed. At least iffin we want to use a car.