Saturday, March 4, 2006

What's Arabic for "Brokeback Mountain"?


I saw this pic of Osama and his right hand man (any and all seedy double meaning intended) Ayman al-Zawahri today, and my immediate thought was that it looked like a scene from an Arabic version of Brokeback Mountain. Then more witty captions came popping up:

"I dunno about you Al, but I feel kinda stupid, sitting here with a giant handkerchief on my head"

"Hey Al! Stop touching yourself in public!"

"Your cave or mine?"

" you see, sexual intercourse with camels isn't really against the Koran after all..."

"...and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped..."

"... and you're SURE these Enron shares are a smart investment?"

Further suggestions welcome, have at it in the comments, kids!


AR1836 said...


The_Jerk_State said...

1. Brokedick Fountain

2. "Did you fart, or did I?"

3. *sigh* "Yes. It's usually moist."

4. Relaxing after a ride on their magic carpet.

5. Pork isn't halal, but my sausage is.