Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Mysterious ways
My interest was aroused by this commercial... no, not like that, you pigs... I'm wondering about the "Angels secret embrace" line - does this mean angels are in the habit of sneaking up on women & cup their breasts? I'm no theologian at the best, nor worst of times, but this was news to me...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Random observations on an article
I saw a column today at CNN, about how to "Cut your car insurance costs". There were five strategies mentioned, but the article conspiciously failed to mention the most obvious one: Stop driving like an asshole.
What really caught my eye, however, was this picture of the columnist, Gerri Willis. What the fuck is up with her face? Look closely - that chin and those cheekbones can't possibly be human! She's either an alien or the hitherto unknown twin sister of Batman's Joker.
What really caught my eye, however, was this picture of the columnist, Gerri Willis. What the fuck is up with her face? Look closely - that chin and those cheekbones can't possibly be human! She's either an alien or the hitherto unknown twin sister of Batman's Joker.

Sunday, April 23, 2006
Chocolate City
So, Nagin seems to have won the 1st round in New Orleans... I attribute this to my campaign aid of course.
I'm not sure what the mayor is doing in this picture, taken after last night's victory... maybe he's describing the size of his "chocolate" bar? The woman behind him sure seems to be having some thoughts on the subject.
I'm not sure what the mayor is doing in this picture, taken after last night's victory... maybe he's describing the size of his "chocolate" bar? The woman behind him sure seems to be having some thoughts on the subject.

Coming out
Change your flag!
Now, I couldn't really give a damn about the current uprisings in Nepal, we sorta lost interest in feudalism over here several centuries ago. Reactionary monarchs or revolutionary maoists are just the same shit in different wrapping. But this photo of the Nepalese king caught my eye. Look at the pattern in the background - wouldn't that make a really cool flag for Israel??? Maybe it should come with a sound effect - like the sound of a Star Wars light sabre or something?

Friday, April 21, 2006
Truth in advertizing
New Orleans is conducting the first round of its mayoral elections Saturday, and polls show incumbent Ray Nagin to be one of two candidates to reach the run-off. To me it's quite infathomable that a man who has shown himself to be so hopelessly incompetent and so openly racist could run successfully for dog catcher, but there you are. Anyways, keeping fresh in mind Mayor Nagin's "chocolate city" remark, and the need for truth in advertizing, I thought I'd give him a hand with his campaigning:

Yet another contest
Another contest
Eat the rich
NY Times: "The New York City Housing Authority announced yesterday that it wants to raise the rents paid by tens of thousands of its better-off tenants."
Now, I'm not going to enter the discussion about whether the rent should, in fact, be increased. But THIS picture and the following text caught my blodshot little eyes:
"Members of Community Voices Heard, who are residents of public housing, protested higher fees Thursday near City Hall. "

Now anyone with the means to grow that fat has the means to pay her own goddamn rent! Gimme back my tax money, biatch, or I'll bust a cap in yo' ass!
Now, I'm not going to enter the discussion about whether the rent should, in fact, be increased. But THIS picture and the following text caught my blodshot little eyes:
"Members of Community Voices Heard, who are residents of public housing, protested higher fees Thursday near City Hall. "

Now anyone with the means to grow that fat has the means to pay her own goddamn rent! Gimme back my tax money, biatch, or I'll bust a cap in yo' ass!
Two stories caught my eye today that made me feel slightly ambivalent about the possible outcomes (no, I'm not always in a state of raging, arrogant certainty).
First story: The French are retreating again. After retreating from Germans, Arabs and their own students for years, this time they're retreating from their own smokers. Fear of electoral reprisals has caused the government to postpone a new law banning smoking indoors. Other examples of legislative backpedalling is given in the linked article. Now, I'm all in favor of eternally postponing laws that violate private property rights, and a ban on smoking (however much I hate that disgusting habit) is a gross violation of such rights... but on the other hand, I'd sure like to see the French government actually stand up for something, other than farm subsidies and the right not to bathe frequently.
Second story: The FDA has released a statement dismissing claims that marihuana has any discernible health benefits. Now on the one hand, I tend to think the FDA is most likely correct about this. Almost every "herbal" medication in use has no scientifically proven merit whatsoever, beyond the occasional placebo effect. In medicine, "alternative" tends to be the politically correct term for "bullshit". On the other hand, I am all in favor of legalizing marihuana, and regardless of actual medical effects I think any sane adult has a fundamental right to decide for themselves what substances they wish to inhale, inject or eat. If the medical usefulness argument is disproven, civil libertarians will lose a tactically successful angle with which to introduce legalization.
First story: The French are retreating again. After retreating from Germans, Arabs and their own students for years, this time they're retreating from their own smokers. Fear of electoral reprisals has caused the government to postpone a new law banning smoking indoors. Other examples of legislative backpedalling is given in the linked article. Now, I'm all in favor of eternally postponing laws that violate private property rights, and a ban on smoking (however much I hate that disgusting habit) is a gross violation of such rights... but on the other hand, I'd sure like to see the French government actually stand up for something, other than farm subsidies and the right not to bathe frequently.
Second story: The FDA has released a statement dismissing claims that marihuana has any discernible health benefits. Now on the one hand, I tend to think the FDA is most likely correct about this. Almost every "herbal" medication in use has no scientifically proven merit whatsoever, beyond the occasional placebo effect. In medicine, "alternative" tends to be the politically correct term for "bullshit". On the other hand, I am all in favor of legalizing marihuana, and regardless of actual medical effects I think any sane adult has a fundamental right to decide for themselves what substances they wish to inhale, inject or eat. If the medical usefulness argument is disproven, civil libertarians will lose a tactically successful angle with which to introduce legalization.
the French
Some immature personal harassment
According to this article, former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, claims she's able to "leg-press up to 400 pounds".
Uhm... I don't think carrying your own weight and a small hand bag qualifies as "leg-press", Madame Secretary.
Contest: The person in the picture below looks
a) Retarded
b) Drunk
c) Suspiciously like Cherie Blair, wife of the British Prime Minister
d) All of the above
Uhm... I don't think carrying your own weight and a small hand bag qualifies as "leg-press", Madame Secretary.
Contest: The person in the picture below looks
a) Retarded
b) Drunk
c) Suspiciously like Cherie Blair, wife of the British Prime Minister
d) All of the above

bad taste,
funny pics,
silly stuff
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