Sunday, July 1, 2007

Travelblog:Loch Ness

Tuesday I bid farewell to Inverness and set off towards Loch Ness. After 40-45 mins I arrived at Castle Urquhart, which is a famous tourist destination. The old castle ruins overlook the Loch, and it's a pretty scenic place.

Highlands 001

As proper castles do, it had a crummy little prison cell in the wall.

Highlands 011

In one of the rooms, a pair of swallows had built a nest above one of the spotlights. The birds were precision flying in and out of the doorway, narrowly missing the tourists. The little ones where chirping and squealing their greedy little hearts out for the grub the parents were bringing in. I managed to get a pic of them in full hysteria mode, beaks wide open just as one of the adults come flying in. They look more like aliens than birds...

Highlands 015

I spent a good 90 minutes out there before realizing that I'd forgotten to hand in the hotel keys. So back to Inverness to drop off the keys before setting off alongside Loch Ness once again...

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