Monday, April 20, 2009

Prague roundup

Tuesday I visited a Czech friend of mine who's really into Australian Shepherd dogs. Her dog had five puppies in February and they were running all over the apartment, sniffing, nibling and chewing on everything, including my feet and fingers. Very, very adorable.

In a rare quiet moment...

Of all the lovely things to see in Prague, I think maybe my favorite area is Mala Strana - The Little Quarter. Cozy streets and buildings abound, museums, cafes, squares etc, etc. Just GO there, mmmkay?

You can find all my Prague pics here, but I'll leave you with a small selection of Mala Strana purdiness:

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I was especially happy with this pic, from the John Lennon memorial wall (I have no idea who the kid is, it just seemed like a good image)

I love it when a hostel goes the extra mile for its customers - even so far as to humiliate their employees by forcing them to wear bunny ears all through Easter. Bwahahaha!

Finally, my Chinese crew, who I hung out with the two last nights I was there. They study in Sweden and Germany, very nice kids. They thought I looked like Buddha; I chose to regard this as a good thing.

1 comment:

Gullstandard said...

The Enlightened One, indeed.