Monday, June 22, 2009


Ok, let's start on a happy note, this is my post #400, wheeeeee!

Numbers this morning, just before I head out to LA... 120,1kg, slightly down from last week. I am fearful of what will happen on this trip, since I know from experience how easy it is to overeat and not get enough exercise when you're on holiday and the US is of course the holy grail of vice in that respect. Still, I'm hoping to get in quite a bit walking in all those museums and national parks I'm going to, so maybe it won't be a total pigfest after all.

Ok, I dunno how often I'll be able to update while in the US. I would like to post pics and stories almost daily, and I'll try to read email often, but this IS a holiday after all. I've made some slight adjustments to the final itinerary, we'll see how final it turns out to be once I get going...

See ya'll latah!

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