Monday, March 15, 2010

Vive la France!

The Prague deal fell through, on account of the Czech morons already having rented out the apartment they offered me... what a bunch of amateurish imbeciles.

On the bright side, I've just gone and extended my stay in the south of France from a week to a month. Nice little town, surroundings seem purdy and there's lots of history in the area. The drawback with any and all activities conducted in France is of course that the country is full of FRENCH people, with all that entails in terms of annoyance, arrogance, cowardice, non-parlez-anglais-fear-of-soap-generally-behaving-like-a-cunt behavior. Still, I shall brave it for a month, and maybe I'll come away with, if not an appreciation, then at least a resigned tolerance for the southern frogs.

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