Wednesday, May 8, 2013

England part II: The Purbeck Hills

In the morning of Wednesday we quickly stuffed face and set out due west towards the Purbeck Hills. There is a place there called Tyneham Village which is in the ownership of the Army; they emptied it of people long ago and it is now used for training purposes. But iffin they aren't shooting at anything, they keep it open for tourists.

However, as we approached we saw the road was blocked and there were signs warning not to go any further. Ominous sounds of machine gun fire and artillery could be heard over the next hill or so. Never ones to get ourselves shot at unnecessarily, we therefore took the northern detour (as if we had a choice) on narrow English roads, reminding me of some of the bonechilling moments I'd had down Cornwall way in 2011, traversing the tiny roads in that area.

All Purbeck Hills pics here.

Thank you for the warning.

None shall pass. Or something to that effect.

The weather was stunning all of Wednesday and Thursday, and the English coast is mighty purdy.

These sheep must either have gotten used to all the shooting and bombing or they've just given up and are awaiting the sweet release of death.

A little pheasant running away from us. Probably the wise thing.

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