Friday, August 4, 2017

Celtic tour day IV: Newgrange

We then went back to the bus stop and got on another drive, to famous Newgrange. Again, my TripAdvisor review comes in handy:
"Newgrange was built more than 5,000 years ago and is one of the largest neolithic structures in the world. There are several theories about why it was built and interpretations of the surrounding artwork; most likely it served a religious purpose at least partially to do with burials. You're allowed inside the burial chamber itself, but only in the presence of a guide and once inside, photos are "verboten". A fascinating moment is when you're standing in the burial chamber and the lights are turned off and you witness the recreation of the sunlight hitting the chamber during winter solstice."

The mound in all its glory.

This big stone was placed in front of the entrance and originally you'd have to climb over it. The ritual probably served some religious purpose. Putting artificial, pointless hindrances in the way of human progress seems to embody all types of religions, anytime, anywhere.

The reconstructed wall around the tomb.

There were several structures around the mound, whose purpose one can only guess at.

More artwork.

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