Saturday, February 4, 2006

Invoking the 5th

Nope, not the famous 5th amendment to the US Constitution... but the 5th article of the North Atlantic Treaty, the founding document of NATO. The article basically states that an attack on one NATO member is to be considered an attack on all. It was invoked after 9/11, 2001, when the US was attacked by Islamofascists.

Well, today the Embassies of NATO members Denmark and Norway were burned to the ground in Damascus, Syria. This is a country where you do not take to the streets unless you have a pretty good feeling you've got the government's support, however tacitly stated. This is a regime that keeps a very tight leash on its population, and I refuse to believe they could not have stopped this if they wanted to, especially since the Norwegian Embassy was burned down some time after the Danish one. Yeah, they used "tear gas and water cannons", but this is a regime that wouldn't hesitate to user either rubber or real bullets if they felt so inclined.

So. We've got terrorists. We've got burning NATO-country buildings, on what is legally NATO-country ground (remember, Embassies are considered to be extensions of their respective countries and not a part of the host country!). And we've got an uncooperative government sheltering Islamofascists. I say we go GET the fuckers. And since Syria doesn't have any more oil than they've got democracy, no one's going to accuse us of "blood for oil" this time.

Of course, they might say we're anti-Islamic, ethnocentric neo-imperialists, but flattery won't get them anywhere.

1 comment:

Before the Flood said...

Well, I agree with you completely, but I think you are confusing us with a country that actually has a spine, not to mention balls.

For fuck's sake, the shit even hit the fan when a couple of cluster munitions were used for target practice a few years ago.

How much are you willing to bet, that our commie loving bend-over backwards-to-please government would actually step up to the plate, and demand some serious arselicking, or else they would serve the Syrian leadership an F-16 delivered, laserguided enema that would really losen their bowels?