Friday, February 17, 2006


Muahahahahaaaaaa... As if modern science hadn't bitchslapped religion around enough, along comes this beautiful little article from the LA Times... Now, believing in religion is fairly stupid in and of itself, but believing in that particular brand of organized idiocy known as mormonism takes a special kind of stupidity. Or as PJ O'Rourke once quipped about the dullness of Disneyworld: It was an insult to a country that had invented a religion like mormonism.

Anyway, the article details how modern DNA research has shredded whatever vestige of credibility one of the religion's fundamental tenets had left; that of the Native Americans (aka injuns) descending from the ancient Hebrews, who supposedly came to America 2,600 years ago. Of course, if you have the tiniest combination of brains and education you will know that the Natives actually came from Asia, several thousands of years ago.

The article goes on to describe some of the Mormon Church's teachings on the subject, which are both racist, immoral and demonstrably false. The fact that such a thoroughly despicable and stupid religion still has been able to gain millions of converts all over the world, demonstrates very clearly that when it comes to religion, there is no limit to how low otherwise sane, moral people can go. It also shows how easy it is to start a religion, even in fairly recent times - imagine then how little it took back when the "great" world religions commenced! Keep this in mind when you read about the supposed miracles of the Bible, the Koran or whatever piece of scripture you've got your grubby little hands on. You believe any of that shit, you're no better than a mor(m)on.

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