Yesterday the first one appeared at the end of the porch, after dark. It was rather shy and kept its distance, but when I went inside and poured a small saucer with milk it came out to drink it. The cat also ate the rolled up slice of sausage I threw its way.
Today I saw the same cat (or so I thought) and went to pour milk in the saucer again and throw it another slice of sausage. I stood back and watched it stuff its little face, happy to see a fed cat. Imagine my surprise when I saw another one, almost identical come out of the shadows. This one was smaller, and just a wee bit lighter in the face, otherwise they were almost alike. This last arrival was the one I had fed yesterday.
Later in the day I saw a third cat, a small striped one, and this evening all three came up to us when we were sitting outside, just shootin' the breeze. First it was the biggest of the two identical ones and the small striped one. They were a bit cautious at first, but when I offered them sliced sausage they soon ate from my hand. My uncle went in and fetched some of the remains of our grilled meat dinner and soon the little darlings were stuffing their little snouts with pieces of beef and chicken we tore up and handed to them.
They were not at all skinny looking, yet they were eating like they'd never tasted food before, so I'm guessing this wasn't their usual fare. The little striped one was actually hiccuping towards the end. The third one (the first I had fed) also came sneaking up, but he was much more shy than the other two and would not eat from my hand; I had to throw the pieces to him, and at first he would drag them with him some ways off to eat. He never came close enough for me to touch, while the two others were rubbing against our legs and even rolling around in the case of the striped one.
I got in some pics, and I'm pretty sure they'll be back tomorrow, so stay tuned.
Little Stripey was the smallest, but also the most sociable of the three. Here he's examining the badminton set.

He would pose for the camera...

...and was very playful, jumping after mosquitos.

Playing with my uncle's hand.

The biggest of the two almost identical ones. We theorized that she may have been the mother, and the two smaller ones her kittens. She seemed quite content to lay under our chairs; this was a position she would take up several times.

This was the smaller one. I took this picture on Thursday.

Here he is again tonight. He's by far the most shy and nervous of them. He has an injury of some sort to his tail; it's bent double towards the end, giving the impression that it's shorter. I guess that may explain why he's more shy.

I had to throw him the food, which he wolfed down as fast as he could, poor little thing.

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