Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So much noise...

...from such a small animal. Below is a picture I took Wednesday morning of the perpetrator of the "mad monkey" sounds I described Tuesday. I wasn't inclined to kill it, chiefly because they eat insects and spiders, and fuck knows I hate those little monsters much, much more than I hate newts/lizards... so I opened a window and shooed it out with a broom. I hear these animals several times a day now, from all sides of the house. A much smaller newt/lizard was in the bedroom much later today, and it made the exact same sounds, a combo of mad monkey screech and someone tapping on the window.

In other news, some maintenance guy was over to look at missing light bulbs, leaky faucets and such and such. Since he left, I've discovered yet more bulbs that need replacing and toilets and showers that are leaky. In addition the little fucker took my extra special showerhead with multiple settings when he left, and replaced it with a cheap plasticky thingy. I didn't notice till an hour later that it was gone. I've emailed the owner, so I hope he comes back tomorrow WITH my showerhead and fixes the rest. Sigh.

Also, I've had to change bedrooms, since the one I'd installed myself in, downstairs, now has tiny flies or bugs crawling all over the bed I slept in. I can't be sure, but as far as I can tell they've arrived sometime during Wednesday, I saw nuffin' on Tuesday nor this morning. Furthermore, the ensuite bathroom downstairs had two large bugs crawling around in it the last time I looked. So I carefully packed my suitcase and hauled ass up to one of the large bedrooms upstairs.

So far, I've found that nighttime is when the disgusting stuff starts to creep and crawl here in Thailand. Roaches (or something very much like'em) will come in through cracks around the windows or under doors or come up through drains. They will scurry from hiding place to hiding place, crawl into the most unlikely spaces and surprise (and shock) the hell outta you when you least expect it. I've already learned to place my shoes on the bedside table and to shake shirts and pants vigorously before putting them on. On the bright side, I've seen nothing from them in daylight, and so far the pool has been free of them.


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