Our first stop was at the gas station in Otta, where we stuffed face on waffles and soft serve ice cream. We then drove up to Rondane, where we took some pictures and drew in the fresh mountain air and enjoyed the nice and quiet up in the woods. Albie probably set a new world record in cluelessness when she later asked me "what was that beautiful village where we went up into the woods". I leave it to you, dear reader, to judge how beautiful Otta is:

Rondane. Mmmmmm.

We drove further north and stopped several times while crossing the Dovre moountain massif, to take pics. Such as this. We also lunched at a nice little place in the mountains where I indulged with yet another waffle.

Coming down on the other side of the mountains, we happened upon this very nice railway station building.

The side building was also nice.

The road from Oppdal over to Kristiansund is one of the purdiest in a country with plenty of purdy. It is simply one postcard after another, with majestic mountains, clear blue lakes, lovely, well kept farms, sloping fields, happy, well fed cows, little lambs jumping around playfully and of course the occasional waterfall. This sunny day, it was sheer bliss. This is on the outskirts of Oppdal, looking due south.

Lovely mountain lake. The trip took much, much longer than google said it would, on account of us stopping to take pictures all the time.

These pics were taken close to the coast, at some tourist cabins which seemed abandoned just then, so we stopped and took photos. Sue us.

Out by the coast.

There are farms, indeed whole villages along the Norwegian west coast that can only be reached by boat.

The city of Kristiansund is situated on several islands out by the very coast.

We went down to the beach to take pics of the sunset.

Naturally, I was skeptical of Kristiansund.

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