Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Russia vs Jews

This story shows that anti-Semitism is alive and well in Russia today. This inspired me to make a quick and politically highly incorrect comparison between the land of the Joooos - Israel - and Russia. The Jooos are scored first (bias due to the international Zionist conspiracy):

Has a well functioning democracy: 1-0
Has a free and independent press: 1-0
Has free and independent courts: 1-0
Has a life expectancy above that of a third world country: 1-0
Has a standard of living above that of a third world country: 1-0
Is in fact NOT a third world country: 1-0
Has one of the most highly educated populations in the world: 1-0
Has a considerable degree of influence with the US govt: 1-0
Is actually able to combat and defeat crazy islamofascists: 1-0
Has won every war it has been in: 1-0
Kosher vs Borsht? 1-0

The list could go on and on.

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