Wednesday, April 13, 2005

H is for Health, F is for Fascist

We are inching closer and closer to the collapse of western civilization. Some quotes from this Associated Press article at CNN:

"My beloved blue, furry monster -- who sang "C is for cookie, that's good enough for me" -- is now advocating eating healthy. There's even a new song -- "A Cookie Is a Sometimes Food," where Cookie Monster learns there are "anytime" foods and "sometimes" foods."

"Truglio said "Sesame Street" also will introduce new characters, such as talking eggplants and carrots, and offer parodies, such as "American Fruit Stand." Even guest stars will address healthy activities, such as Alicia Keys talking and singing about the importance of physical activity."

"Even politicians have gotten into the act, filming public service announcements with "Sesame Street" residents. In one taping, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist taught Elmo to exercise -- jumping up and down. In another, Sen. Hillary Clinton and the small red monster discuss the various textures and tastes of foods.

But what about their position on Cookiegate?
"Even Cookie Monster is learning to control his cookie cravings," Frist told me by e-mail. "His sage advice opened our eyes to the simple joys of a tasty cookie and now reminds us that moderation is the key to healthy living.""

Goddamn health fascist! If the Schiavo case didn't do it, I hope Cookiegate is the last nail in the coffin for Frist's 2008 presidency bid!

PS: Notice how I've tastefully avoided making any jokes involving the word "vegetable".


greatwhitebear said...

you avoided the tasteless vegetable disappointing!

Special Sauce said...

Yeah, you're not one to avoid the tasteless, now are you...

Fie! Fie on you!