Thursday, September 29, 2011

Deal Castle

My third and final touristy destination yesterday, was Deal Castle. Deal is a small town out by the sea, where Henry VIII (8 for you numerically challenged out there) built one of his many fortresses around the coast to protect the nation from a possible joint Catholic onslaught. The money to finance this huge building project was, ironically, taken from the many monasteries he'd just nationalized...

The castle is quite large, and built in the form of a Tudor rose. It was quite modern for its time, with multiple layers of defense and very thick walls.


What makes kalabaloom.

A deep bread oven. Mmmmmm, bread.

Down at the bottom of this slope there was a long, narrow, unlit passage to the left. I took it till I suddenly found myself in water, then I turned back.

The luverly (not) North Sea. There were actually people swimming near the shore. The British are mad.

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