Thursday, April 7, 2005

Innocents and not so innocents abroad (1/5)

Summary: Four days in Milan, Italy. A short but eventful trip, covering three countries and a bus stop by car - and entirely too much pavement by foot.

My mission: To guide myself and two American "innocents abroad" around without, if at all possible, loss of hair, teeth, life and what little remains of my mental health. Result: Success on all counts.

Their mission: To buy as many shoes as humanly possible, taunt me mercilessly 24/7 and turn me into a part of the "sistahood". Result: Success on two out of three counts.

Background: Several years ago, I was stuck in Dulles Airport, waiting for a bus to New York. As I was sitting there, with my usual vacant goldfish-like expression, just idling time away, I spotted a tall, slim black woman walking towards me. At first, I thought there was something familiar about her, and I tried to recall if she was some actress or singer or such whose face I might have seen in print or on screen. She sat down next to me, and in five minutes, we were engaged in conversation. She - (I'll call her Ms K. - to protect the semi-innocent) wasn't anyone famous, but we still got along splendidly, and when I left to catch my bus, we exchanged email addresses.

We've stayed in touch with each other electronically since then and even met up briefly in Atlanta when I've been in the US on one of my epic car drives across the continent. Last year she informed me she was going to Milan, Italy with a friend to check out a shoe fair, and since Ryanair had just started flying cheap flights between Oslo and Bergamo, an hour away from Milan, I decided to fly down for a few days.

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