Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Ich bin ein Enterpriser

No, I haven't suddenly turned Trekkie on ya'll... I simply took the typology test over at the Pew Center which just released the results of a very interesting survey on American attitudes. The survey is called "Beyond Red vs. Blue" and looks at the ideological differences not just between people who call themselves Republican or Democrat, but also the fissures within those parties.

Pew divided conservatives into "Enterprisers", "Social Conservatives" and "Pro-Government Conservatives", so I guess it's no big surprise I find myself in the first group. Feel free to take the test and post your results in the comments section, kids.


Special Sauce said...

Gee, I'm a liberal. Who'da thunk it?


Surely, they jest.

(I suppose the label "Bedwetting-Commie-Treehugger would have ben construed as incendiary?)

Memphis Word Nerd said...

Personally I prefer Commie Pinko Bastard (CPB, if you're feeling affectionate) but I'll answer to Liberal if you insist.

No big surprise that I'm a liberal, either.

Where's Parcequilfaut when we need her???

Ghost of Goldwater said...

I'm surrounded by communists!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!
*running around like a headless chicken*