Tuesday, September 13, 2005


The Norwegian Parliamentary elections yesterday ended in a victory for the opposition, which consists of three parties: Labor (Social Democrats), The Center Party (protectionist peasants) and the Socialist Left Party (name says it all). Labor is twice as big as the two other put together, so I'm hoping they'll run the show, and a fairly tight ship too.

However, if they start fuckin up the economy so the interest rates go up, or if they increase the already ludicrous price of gas (7,5USD per US gallon, thank you very much) I just might go postal on their asses. Hmmm. Wonder if I should aim to be the world's greatest prison blogger?

On a side note, the sitting center-right govt and their allies gained 0,9% more votes than the "winners", yet only captured 82 seats to the reds' 87. Gore captured 0,5% more votes than Bush in '00. Think the Norwegian press will start questioning the new govt's popular mandate? Me neither.

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