Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Spam, spam, spam - wonderful spaaaaaaam

As ya'll know, I absolutely hate spammers and would like to see them all put to death in a wide variety of gruesome and extremely painful ways. Lately, the fuckers have even started invading my comments section! But now I have discovered that blogspot offers a comment verification function, which you should all activate. It is very simple, you just go to the comments section of your edit panel and click it. From then on, anyone wishing to leave a comment must type in a word generated by blogspot. This requires a human and excludes all those effin' spambots. Problem solved!

1 comment:

Maven said...

Not to be a wet blanket, but I am sure that eventually the criminally-insane-programmers for those spammers will eventually figure out how to circumvent the word verifications as well. IMHO.