9/11, 2005 - four years after you-know-what:

Yup. They're burning synagogues again. Are we going to do something about it this time?
The rants, musings and adventures of a carpetbombing, neo-imperialist, libertarian-conservative atheist to the far, far right of Genghis Khan (but who loves kittens!)
I guess we'd have to be there to fully appreciate the context of that second photo.
My personal thoughts on the first and second photo are that they are inter-related. The Israelis did to the Palestinians what the nazis did to the Jews; they dispossessed them of their homes and their birthrights and herded them into ghettoes, among other things they did. Sound familiar? I only post this, not to cause a conflagration (aka FLAME), but to perhaps suggest we all should take everything into full context.
History lesson: It was the Arab countries that attacked Israel in '48, but got their asses kicked. Any "ghettos" on the West Bank is due to Jordan occuping (and claiming sovereignty to) the land until they again got their asses kicked in '67. Much the same story in Gaza, only with the Egyptians. Also note that almost all the Israeli settlements were built in areas that were practically empty at the time - no "dispossession" there.
If you find any pictures of Jews dancing around burning mosques, let me know. Israeli Arabs enjoy the highest standards of living anywhere in the Middle East and that they have civil liberties others can only dream of. If the Palestinians at any point in their miserable modern history had had the brains to cooperate with the Israelis instead of trying to kill them all, they might be better off than they are. Sadly, the reactions of the Palestinians after the Israeli withdrawal show that Israel has no reason at all to trust them and that with respect to compromise vs a hard line, they're damned either way.
Another important point (see the article from WT), is that we are seeing very clearly what islamo-fascism is doing in Europe. Anti-semitism is on the rise over here, and it is largely fueled by Muslim immigration. It ain't politically correct to point this out but that doesn't make it any less true.
Related thought...
Personally I feel that any involvement by the US government there in Israel detracts from any kind of peace.
Eventually the problems of Islamo-fascism will be in the backyard here in the US, as Islam is the fastest growing religion and they predict eventually the population of muslims will eventually eclipse that of American Jews.
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