Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Eden Camp

After Robin Hood's bay I drove on to Scarborough, which I found to be quite dreary and dull looking. Just spent a night there and then drove on towards York on Friday.

On the way I stopped and spent three wonderful hours at Eden Camp, a former WWII prisoner camp that is now a museum. The 20+ huts cover several subjects relating to warfare in the 20th century, but the main emphasis is on WWII. It's a great place if you're into history, the exhibitions are both informative and entertaining. The only minus was an overpriced canteen that served rather tratidional English food (meaning barely digestible for humans).

Some pics:

Luckily for someone, this never exploded...

07UK Eden 02

Nope, no phallos symbolism here. No sirree!

07UK Eden 05

It was all I could do not to run around with my arms outstretched and make engine noises...

07UK Eden 12

This sign was put up at a pub where a bomb had blown out all the windows... "More open than usual"... English humor at its finest!

07UK Eden 07

I quite liked this one too:

07UK Eden 06


Anonymous said...

It's good to see you are posting trip reports again! I'm looking forward to the rest of the story, as well as your reports from Ukraine and (hopefully) Moldova.

Anonymous said...

Scarborough dull and dreary?! Did you not walk along the front and admire my sea wall?! SHAME on you.