Saturday, August 25, 2007


After Eden Camp I drove on to York, the ancient walled city. The (mostly Danish) Vikings made this their main city, and knew it as Jorvik. Due to rains and general fatigue (yes, I am a lazy bastard) I never made it to the Viking centre, but I did spend a few happy hours at the York Castle Museum on Saturday. They had some interesting exhibits devoted to life in and around York in centuries past, the most famous being Kirkgate, a recreated Victorian street. Highly recommended!

The hotel I staid at wasn't much, but joy of joys, I was able to find an unprotected wi-fi somewhere in the area, so I could finally keep up with emails and news again. Sunday I had lunch with an old friend from Huddersfield (she comments here under the name of Stef sometimes... we've been hurling abuse at each other online for a good five years now...) before spending most of the day in the railway station waiting for my night bus to London.

Ever the moneygrubbing little capitalist pig, I thought I'd be smart and save on a night's hotel costs by taking the overnight coach from Leeds to London. Oy vey, what a schmuck I was! Saving a few pounds was NOT worth having to spend the night in a crowded, stuffy bus where the garlic odors of the numerous Asian passengers competed for my attention with the garlic odors from the English drunk snoring in the seat next to me. A background sniff of stale sweat prevailed throughout. To top it off, the coach developed technical problems somewhere around 2:30am, so we had to wait for a replacement vehicle which was much older and had no suspension worth mentioning. It was a grouchy, sleepy, cursing Ghost that reached Victoria Station in the wee hours of Monday morning...

The Museum parking lot was full of birds and birdshit:

British cattle pre-growth hormones:

"Another bone? Thanks, but I'm stuffed!"

Some of the Victorian houses had real shops, I think this one sold old toys:

A Victorian class room... oh, to be able to cane the little bastards!

I think this is from the Edwardian "Half Moon Court", which is a follow-up to Kirkgate:

The famous York Cathedral:

The place where we had lunch on Sunday, a cozy place called "Hole in the Wall":

At least they had a cool bus shelter... the actual buses, on the other hand...

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