Thursday, August 16, 2007

Robin Hood's Bay

Thursday, I drove on to Robin Hood's Bay. The origin of the name is unknown, it's quite some distance from Robin of Locksley's supposed haunts in the Sherwood forest, down Nottingham way. It's a tiny fishing village (actually, it was best known as a center for smuggling) very, very quaint and cozy. You need a special permit to drive in it, the tourist traffic has to stop at a parking lot on the top of the steep hill that rises over the town. Again, narrow cobblestone streets and lots of little inns and pubs. Tourism probably makes up 90% of the economic activity there these days. Some nice pics:

View from the top of the hill:

07UK rhb bay01

07UK rhb bay02

07UK rhb bay09

Some local history:
07UK rhb rescue

Ish nice:
07UK rhb town01

When I win the lottery, I'm going to buy this house, which sits right on the docks:
07UK rhb town02

In a tiny, tiny tourist shop the old lady who owned it was having a closing down sale, so I got some loot at half price. I bought this keybox, which I am going to bribe my boss with tomorrow:

07UK rhb box

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