Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Random stuff from Prague

* I love this city. Sadly, I have done almost none of the things I had planned, largely because I've been up all night talking with guests, staff and friends of the staff. I've had an absolute blast, so much in fact that I've missed two out of four breakfasts. Not bad considering breakfast is served till 11am here... I've made new friends here, and last night my Ukrainian friends came in from Kiev and we're hoping to do something together for New Year's Eve.

* I absofuckinlutely hate Germans. They are they most inconsiderate, loud, borish fuckers on this sad planet and if I'm disturbed from my peaceful slumber by one of them again tonight I may spend the rest of my days in a Czech prison on multiple homicide convictions. Then again, this being the Czechs they just might acquit me.

* The food here is good, cheap and plentiful. They do deliciously naughty things to beef and pork without intruding upon sweet, sweet, burned, dead animals with too much dreadful greenery.

* I hate Germans.

* Speaking of animals, they had a couple of donkeys in a corral down at Old Town Square today, presumably to amuse children by letting them pet the furry fuckers. They wouldn't have any of it however, and fixed the tourists with that universal animal stare that says "if you're not going to feed me, you can fuck off".

* Did I mention I hate Germans?


Anonymous said...

I like Germans and Germany. Raw, medium or well done Bomber-Harris style.

And they have excellent beer too. Which is more than one can say about the despicable Swedes or the dimwitted average Norwegians.

Greetings, drage lun

ak said...
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ak said...

I agree with you most of the time, but I´m not quite sure about your German dislike. They do make the worlds best cars and beer and roads and they´re effective as hell! I think I like them.