Friday, July 16, 2010

Random observations from a restaurant visit in Aniane

- In France it takes longer to get the check than to get your food served.

- I love the terror on the faces of French waiters and waitresses when I address them in English. I have found a total of ONE guy who speaks something resembling passable English in this town, but he wasn't working tonight.

- The food here ain't half bad. The omelette tonight was good and the crepe was juicy. I am going to eat my way through their dessert menu in the next three weeks. It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it.

- There are lots of pretty women here, but the table next to mine tonight looked like someone had shaken the ugly tree.

- As I have mentioned before, there are lots of little dogs roaming the town. One litte fella was more than content to sit and get petted by yours truly for several minutes tonight. Sadly I didn't bring my camera.

- My newest, deepest, probably totally irrational fear is that some French guy will try and kiss me three times on the cheeks. I'll mace the fucker before he can make first contact, I swear.

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