Thursday, January 6, 2011

Naples part IX: Amalfi and Sorrento

During my week outside Naples, I drove through the city of Sorrento more times than I care to remember. Horrible, horrible lines are the order of the day in that place, and it's not made any better by the mess of one way streets, insanely narrow passages and craaaazy pedestrians and scooters that keep darting in and out of traffic. I spent more precious hours of my life in traffic jams in Sorrento than I want to remember, thank you very fuckin' much.

Still, there are some redeeming qualities to the city. The pedestrian area is quite nice, with some cozy alleys, warm food being sold and lots of typical, tiny Italian shops. The streets are bustling with people, and there's a constant cacaphony of voices, car horns, music, machineguns, etc. Ok, I made up the part about machineguns (they're using silencers these days).

I had also heard a lot of nice things concerning the Amalfi coast, so I took a little drive down there. December may not be the best time and I only went as far east as the little town of Amalfi itself, but I can safely say that even though it was a fairly nice piece of real estate, it wasn't even close to being "the most beautiful stretch of land in the world". Meh. It was steep alright, and the road was impossibly narrow, and there were some fairly nerve wrecking houses that clung to the cliffs, but it just wasn't THAT purdy.

All Sorrento pics here and all Amalfi coast pics here.

A Christmas tree. In the evening the whole area lit up like fuckin Vegas. I believe I've made some remarks earlier about Italians and tackiness...

I bet the guy handling the dolls is a real creep. Can you imagine having "sticking my hand up a doll's private parts and fondling it" as a hobby on your CV?

A horse & buggy. Sadly, the horse didn't crap while I looked on.

I dunno what this placard says, but I think it's to do with a visit the great tenor Caruso made to Sorrento. Either that, or this was the place he was attacked by a gang of rabid badgers. My Italian is very, very rusty.

The Amalfi area is steep, alright!

The coastline is probably a bit more inviting in the summer.

Though December has a certain windswept nicety to it.

The Christmas tree in Amalfi is even worse than the one in Sorrento.

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