Thursday, January 13, 2005

More news you can't make up

A company in Vermont has created a special Valentine's Day Teddy Bear... a STRAITJACKET.

According to the article, "The $69.95 stuffed animal is called the "Crazy for You Bear" and comes with its own commitment papers."

What will they think of next? A children's psychologist bear, maybe?

I know this bear isn't meant for kids, but some of them are bound to end up in the rooms of smaller siblings of the original recipients. America: Prepare for a steep increase in school violence over the next few years...

Being a teacher, I naturally hate kids, and this product reminded me of one of the items featured in Dave Barry's 2004 gift guide. That one also made me laugh out loud...


Special Sauce said...

You know, I'd call you a sick bastard, but we all already know that.

And, I actually thought that the "crazy in love with you" teddy bear wasn't too bad, as teddy bears go. If they wanted to be more scary, they could have gone the "teddybear with a map, field glasses, copy of a restraining order, and a hunting knife" for the "Crazy in love with you and if I can't have you no-one will Bear".

Memphis Word Nerd said...

Hmmmm. I'm a child therapist and I don't see the big deal. I think it's corny but there are definitely worse things out there, so if people want to get offended they might want to pick something a little less...well, crazy.