Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Scotland I: The West

I know I promised more or less daily updates, but you'll have to settle for a bit less, dear reader(s). Let me begin this travelogue much in the same way as I did the one from this summer, by inviting you to join me in a prayer to the deity of your choice, this time asking for swift and merciless smiting of drunken airplane passengers. The smiting should take place AFTER the plane has come to a complete halt and the fasten seatbelt signs have been switched off, thank you very much.

Aaaaanyways. The car rental pickup was a much smoother process this time, probably due to Prestwick being a smaller airport and this not being the high season. Also, the woman behind the counter must have been born in the 20th century, unlike the one they had operating the desk in Edinburgh this summer. I spent Friday afternoon driving up to Kilchrenan, and in the evening I hung out and pestered the very nice people in the Taynuilt Hotel bar (again), both the workers and the customers.

I stayed up most the night to watch the 1st US presidential debate, so after breakfast Saturday I went back to sleep and got up again around 2PM. I spent the rest of the afternoon driving around in the area; first I drove out to Oban and took some pictures of the beaches there and sniffed in the familiar smell of seaweed. Then I drove south through some very nice scenery, but I just couldn't be bothered to take any pictures. I know, it sucks to be you. In the evening I hung out at the bar again, but only for an hour or so, as I was still exhausted from the previous night.

The beach just outside Oban:

080927 Oban1 080927 Oban2
080927 Oban3

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