Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cheap and dirty

Almost 5 years ago, a bunch of us English teachers were on a quick trip to England; Oxford to be precise. Yours truly, in my usual capacity as travel organizer, had booked the cheapest ensuite hotel rooms I could find in town at the Nanford Guest House. The two females in our merry band of five had had enough after the first night and went to find another place to stay. Moi and the two other guys couldn't really see what the fuss was about; the place wasn't really nice but it was sufficient or so we thought. The five of us have been bantering about this part of the trip ever since.

Today, I saw an article at a Norwegian online paper, quoting which had deemed Nanford the third dirtiest hotel in Britain. I am not going to hear the end of this.

1 comment:

ak said...

Shit happens!