Sunday, January 4, 2009

Support Israel

I've yet to discover any way in which I might adopt an Israeli tank or airplane or such, so I did the second best thing - I donated to Aguda Lemaan Hachayal -The Association for the Wellbeing of Israel's Soldiers.

AWIS has lots of projects like building recreational facilities for troops, creating scholarships, helping the injured etc. They have a very close relationship with the IDF, so I'm fairly confident the money will be well spent. Details on how YOU can donate here.

Note: Any and all critical comments will be deleted. This is war, and there should be no pardon for enemies of civilization - and I have at the very least no intention of providing a forum for you fuckers. You already have 99% of western media to serve as your mouthpiece, be content with that.


Anonymous said...

For Ghost's readers elsewhere: This is not just about Israel or Gaza anymore.On Thu 8th. January and Sat 10th. January, parts of Oslo was wrecked by those nice defenders of the palestinian cause.
Shouts not heards sinde ww2 were heard: kill the jews! I know, because I was there on Thu, and heard it.
The battle has now moved onto our own streets, in Europe.

Remember; First they came for the jews..

React, by democratic means, before it is too late.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget
You can buy pizzas online and they'll deliver it to a random IDF checkpoint or base.
Options for different unit sizes.

Break out your plastic and let the feasting begin.

It's even kosher :-)