Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Truman Museum

The Harry S. Truman Library and Museum lies in Independence, Missouri. I stopped by there for appx 90 minutes on Wednesday afternoon. There's much to be said (and much still being said) about Truman. Personally, I can't forgive him for letting a fuckin nuclear monopoly just slip away, and I think he should have nuked the commies back to the stone ages, but I acknowledge, reluctantly, that I am in a minority on this issue.

The museum shows a lot about his presidency, but considerably less time is devoted to his stronge ties to the Democratic machine/mafia around Kansas City, which made him a senator, and who may have continued to wield influence with him even in the White House. On the other hand, he left office with less than 30% popularity, just like a certain recent prez. Years later, he's generally considered a good prez, something few would have expected at the time...

All pics here.

The museum.

The mural inside, painted by Thomas Hart Benton, grand nephew of the Senator by the same name from Missouri, who served a (then) record 30 years in the Senate.

An exact replica of the Oval Office as it looked during Truman's presidency.

Truman's grave.

One of the most famous errors in US press history.

One of the most famous expressions in American politics.

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