Friday, July 27, 2012

Rainbows & Thunderstorm & Buffalo

The last post (phew!) from the Black Hills and State Route 87 is this batch of pics I took as a thunderstorm was movin' in late Tuesday. Thunderstorms occur very frequently in the summer in these parts, and the lightning is what causes all the forest fires. Normally, there's not that much rain, but on this occasion, the heavens really opened, so I had to get in the car.

As lightning flared across the skies, there were TWO rainbows on the horizon, and a lone buffalo was crossing the prairie. It doesn't get much better, does it?

All pics here.

You can JUST make out the 2nd rainbow to the right of the big one.

Buffalo on the left, rainbow on the right.

'twas a big rainbow.

Close up of the buffalo:

As I drove the last couple of miles in to Hot Springs, the strangest thing happened. One moment, the world was like this:

And next thing I knew, the world was blue. It was like someone had flicked a switch, or put a filter directly on my eyes. Stwange.

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