Monday, January 18, 2010


I have reluctantly signed up for Facebook, and I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. Everything about its smirky, user-unfriendly, intrusive, cuntfaced existence makes me loathe it. Jury's still out on whether I keep it or not, as of now I am only using it to feed my blogposts to a larger audience.

I keep getting silly suggestions for "friends" to add - people I haven't seen or heard from in years keep popping up, and I WILL NOT consider them friends of mine - not then, not now, not EVER. Same goes for the chat function, I WILL NOT chat on Facebook. I have Googletalk, ICQ, MSN and Yahoo, thank you very much. If that doesn't suit you, fuck off.

Worst of all is the inane chatter people use Facebook for. I have been following, with an equal mix of unbelief, horror and loathing the minute details shared, the boring facts of uninteresting, little lives regurgitated ad nauseam and finally the insane games people play on there. I don't give a flying fuck if you've found a pot of gold, want to send me roses or that you were tagged on someone else's photos. How the fuck do I turn it OFF? How do I weed the 99% that's utter rubbish from the sadly few, interesting little pieces of useful information on people's pages? Head, meet desk.


ohingrid said...

It's porn. Social porn.

Jo Winding Harbitz said...

That sure is a pretty funny rant. Have not changed much since highscool have you ;-P

Ghost of Goldwater said...

Not at all. In fact, some would say I've regressed...