Saturday, May 1, 2010

Busy weekend

Yesterday I came out of my self-imposed provincial exile and went to Oslo to "party" with friends, most of them journalists (yes, who knew?). We talked and laughed for several hours, and the mood was only slightly dampened by the fact that a journalist accidentally managed to spill the better part of a glass of beer in my lap. This is quite common actually, and I'll leave it to you to ponder the irony of why I, as a teetotaller, usually leave the party as the guy most reeking of alcohol.

I also learned that a story that I had tipped one of them about, was the third most read story of its kind online - a story about Centralia, PA, a city which has been sitting above a coal fire for years. The fire is expected to least appx 250 more years. Anyway, a feather in the cap of yours truly.

Tonight I'm driving down south to attend a combined birthday & moving in party for an old friend (literally, she just turned 30, muahahahahahaha) of mine who I traveled in Italy with during the summer of 2005. Wheeee!

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