Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I am Lars Vilks

Lars Vilks, a Swedish artist who has been living under police protection ever since he made a drawing of the "prophet" Muhammed as a dog in 2007, was attacked during a free speech seminar today. Vilks was giving a speech at the university in the Swedish town of Uppsala.

The point of his speech was to show art that had provoked various religions over the years, and he started out with more famous examples, like "Piss Christ", before moving on to an "art" piece called "Allah ho gay bar". That's when several members of the audience rose from their seats and advanced towards him. One man reportedly gave him a headbutt, and his glasses were broken. The police had to use pepper spray and some were arrested.

You can see the video of what happened here, notice how a woman is shrilling "Allah u Akhbar" throughout (Allah is great):

This should of course be totally unacceptable in a civilized country in 2010. The fuckin animals who attacked Mr Vilks should be rounded up and sent out of the country asap, on penalty of being shot in the head if they ever set foot in Sweden again. But almost as bad are the cowardly fucks of the media, who refuse to show the video, and even digitally blur pictures of the attackers and FAIL TO MENTION THAT THEY WERE MUSLIMS, like this asshole in the Norwegian daily Dagbladet. These lowlife scumbags are terrified of showing people the truth about islamist animals, because their politically correct world would come crumbling down around them if they did. (NTB, the Norwegian press agency also ignores the ethnic background of the violent mob.)

I have no idea what kind of art Lars Vilks produces normally, he may be a genius or he may be worthless. But in a free society he must be allowed to produce whatever art he damn well pleases. So in addition to being Kurt Westergaard, I am now also Lars Vilks.

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