Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kill kill kill

Today I was subjected to a half hour "concert" by a Norwegian "musician" at work. Our pupils had actually won a national contest (best at ignoring teachers' orders or something like that) and their prize was 30 minutes of howling and inaudible rubbish from a pair of Norwegian "rappers". The organization behind this was the fuckin Red Cross and they're never getting another cent from me again.

Those who know me will also know that I hate rap and rappers with a burning passion, it's the kind of hatred I normally reserve for people like Hitler and Stalin (say what you will, a man who kills 20 million peasants can't be ALL bad). The noise was almost unbearable as this fucker and his companions were holding court right outside the outer wall next to where we have our working spaces (I refuse to call our laughable workplaces "offices"). The walls shook and I could feel a throbbing bass banging away at the back of my head. Fortunately the bastards stopped before I received any permanent damage.

All I can say is, next year I'm gonna do my utmost to ensure that our school doesn't win a single thing if it involves another visit by so-called musicians who think their trade is improved by yelling the words, jumping around uncontrollably and generally acting like fuckin morons onstage. HATE!

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