Friday, February 17, 2006

News you can't make up

Some random news stories I felt were blogworthy...

* In Alabama, a teacher has been charged after he took $1 bribes from his pupils to let them sit out his gym classes. My first thought when I read this story was "damn, this sucker's letting them off CHEAP". My second thought was "I wish I'd had a gym teacher like that".

* My future is bleak, according to this article in the Washington Post. Apparently, ugly people are more likely to become criminals, and the uglier you are, the worse your chances. It's a miracle I've made it this far.

* In California, some fucker(s) have stolen the prosthetic limbs of a 16-year old girl - for the second time. If this isn't what the death penalty is for, then I don't know what.

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