Friday, November 20, 2009

Fuckin eejits

I don't normally critizise Norwegian affairs on this blog, since most of my readers are Americans, but the development in the Norwegian monarchy these last few weeks has been so appaling I can't keep quiet anymore.

The royal princess, Martha Louise is... how should I put this delicately...

A stark, raving nutter? No, that doesn't do her justice.

A dumb cunt unable to grasp the most basic tenets of science and critical thought? Closer, but still not adequate.

A fucking dimwit, propagating the worst sort of pseudo-religious drivel known to man? Yeah, that just about covers it.

The royal princess made headlines a few years back when she started an "angel school", teaching people to commune with their guardian angels. Now she's co-written a book on the subject, which includes ignorant, dangerous, anti-scientific rubbish like reading auras, healing crystals, other dimensions and of course talking to angels.

Naturally the princess has gotten some bad press, one professor called the book "a solid helping of spiritual quackery". That hasn't stopped it from selling. The publishing house Cappelen Damm, who is putting profits over intelligence is already printing its second edition.

Now, I have a few thoughts about what to make of it all. First and foremost, this is the final nail in the coffin of the monarchy. Norway in 2009 may have a ruling family consisting of a dimwitted crown prince with an uneducated, drug using single mother for his wife, but can we have a princess who is clearly a fuckin eejit? I think not. Let the monarchy die out with the current king and let his braindead offspring WORK for a living.

Secondly, we need to take a long and hard look at our schools. Children now leave after ten years of compulsory education without a basic knowledge of science and critical thinking. We need to give priority to science and to introduce scientific thinking into every aspect of education. We must also abolish the state church and stop teaching religious bullshit in schools. (Notice I don't say we should stop learning about religion as it pertains to culture. It is impossible to read and understand anything of western literature without a basic grasp of our history of ideas.)

Thirdly, we need to do something about the media. They now print any bullshit if they think it'll sell - ghosts, angels, healing, alternative medisin. Editors who are caught printing an uncritical story about the "supernatural" or "alternative" will be hung from the nearest lamppost. This should lead to the shutting down of most women's mags and a radical thinning of most newspapers.

Lastly, we need to start a... for lack of a better word... crusade against stupid, uncritical thinking. The poor, sad fuckers who spout this crap can be divided into two categories: Idiots and con men. The idiots must be educated in science and taught the errors of their ways. If this doesn't succeed they should at least be forced to shut their fuckin' traps and not bother other people. The con men should be shot point blank in the head, and their families billed for the cost of ammo, Chinese style.

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