Sunday, December 26, 2004

Monkey business

In the first place God made idiots; this was for practice; then he made school boards.
- Mark Twain

This is just the latest in a long series of attacks on science, of course... The School Board in Dover, PA has voted to include "Intelligent Design" as an alternative to evolution in high school science lessons. To understand why this is a moronic idea, please go here.

I've always found it incredible that an advanced country such as the US is still infested with so many ignorant dimwits of the religious persuasion. I guess the monkey part of the brain kicks in when ingrained beliefs and prejudices are challenged by facts...

1 comment:

Special Sauce said...

If you knew the people in York, you wouldn't be so surprised. As the brilliant Bill Hicks once said-

People all over the world are shouting "Revolution! Revolution!" In certain parts of the United States, they're yelling "Evolution! Evolution! We want our thumbs!"

The fact that these folks are just across the river from me has not escaped noticed. Their idea of a good time is to take some poor sot from the city and make him squeeeeeeeeeeeeal like a pig.
