Friday, December 17, 2004

You get what you pay for

Well whaddya know... finally some serious stuff. The Washington Post has a story today about a report claiming that black baby boomers experience the same income gap as their parents and grandparents did versus the white population. Relative college graduation rates have actually worsened since WWI. Naturally, the lefties at the Post fail to inform you of the only logical conclusion. I want you to say this, together with me, and out loud folks:


Simple as that. There is less formal and informal discrimination than ever. Black people are rolemodels in all walks of life these days. Yet, they have failed to improve their lot any more than the population as such. One would expect that the removal of the obstacles facing blacks prior to the civil rights era, would lead them to close at least SOME of the gap, but no. The govt has thrown billions and billions of taxpayers' money at poverty, unemployment, single parenthood, racial relations, etc, etc, failing to grasp one of the simplest rules of life: You get what you pay for. If you pay people to breed, they will. If you pay people not to work, they won't. If you allow people entrance to college without requiring them to do the work others have to to get there, they won't.

Personally, I feel that it's none of my business what people do with their lives so long as I don't have to pay for it. It follows that the government should stay out of people's lives altogether. But IF the government really wanted to help people, they should pay them NOT to have children until they were sufficiently financially secure. They should award them for FINDING jobs. They should support them WHEN they qualify for college through actual intellectual labor. In that way, the subsidies would at least reward success, not failure.

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