Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Opinions are like assholes: Full of crap.

A new survey shows that a majority of Americans think the Iraq war was a mistake, that it is too early for elections in Iraq, etc etc. All that this shows is that the public have the attention span of goldfish. When the news is full of horror stories, the public will go "ahhhh, the skies are falling". When the news is of advancing US troops or dead terrorists, they will wave the flag and cheer.

His numerous faults aside, I am glad America has a president that seems to put conviction and principle ahead of fickle public opinion shaped by whatever was on the evening news the night before the survey was taken.


TheCompleteGeek said...

Isn't it: Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one.

Ghost of Goldwater said...

*speaking slowly and clearly, as if to an idiot child*