Sunday, January 19, 2014

Peacocks at Cedar Park

In Cedar Parks, a suburb of Austin, I encountered something completely surprising. The local Motel 6 had two peacocks roaming their grounds. Upon further enquiry I learned that they were the last remaining specimens of about a dozen or so that had belonged to the previous owner of the property. When Motel 6 moved in, they just left the peacocks to their own devices.

Busy, busy, busy.

Though never too busy to stop for a moment and wolf down some biscuits.

I broke the biscuits into smaller pieces and this was met with general acclaim.

The other peacock was too busy preening around the grounds. These are both males... so not to speculate, but I've seen peacock hens and whatever these two are doing I'm not judging, also I can't say I blame 'em.

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