Wednesday, February 25, 2009

London, you tease!

London's been sending me mixed signals this time around. I arrived yesterday afternoon and the trip in to town was smooth until I was almost outside my hotel, where I was approached by a guy clearly trying to sell me stolen goods. Also, I fear I've come down with Alzheimers, since this hotel clearly doesn't have any of the features I clearly remembered it having from when I stayed here two years ago and which was the reason I chose to return here. Gah.

Today has also seen ups and downs. I first skipped breakfast at the hotel, since the sum total of options consisted of a bunch of bananas and some corn flakes. Fortunately there's a Subway at Victoria Station just up the road, and sweet Baby Jesus do I love me a good sub. I first went up to the National Portrait Gallery to see a room with images of Henry VIII (that's 8 for you retards). I had very little knowledge of the rest of the museum and no expectations. The room I went to see wasn't much, and would have been a disappointment in itself, but what I hadn't counted on was the incredible collection of other paintings there, plus all the wonderful biographical and historical information that helped put them into perspective. I very strongly recommend the top floor, which starts with the 15th century (I think Henry VI was the earliest monarch depicted) and ends with William IV. I would have seen the floor with the Victorians too, but after walking around for more than 3 hours I was really tired, and also getting lightheaded with hunger. This part of the museum is free, but getting an audioguide (£2) will enhance the experience immensely, trust me on this.

On the negative side I then had a very disappointing experience at the Royal Academy of Arts, where there was an exhibition on Byzants. I'd had this exhibition highly recommended to me by people whose judgement in these matters I trust (or have until now...), but I thought it was poorly presented, with not nearly enough information to put objects and history into perspective. The entrance cost an exorbitant £12 and contrasting it with the wonderful (and free) Portrait Gallery I felt completely ripped off and left in a foul mood. On the way back to the hotel I had to buy a fistful of chocolates and some books at WH Smith to recover (bonus points for the fact that they also sold sweet, sweet diet Irn-Bru soda there - the flower of Scottish beverages!)

Going out to hunt down some dinner soon, which should put me in a better mood. Also, I just had this very brief, yet strangely uplifting texting exchange with a friend in California...
Me: You there?
Her: In class.
Me: In London. I win.
Her: Asshole.

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